Learn. Demo. Q&A. Prizes. Discounts and more! FREE event on Feb. 26 from 5 - 7 pm. RSVP to reserve your free spot by calling 540.887.8200!
Botox®, Xeomin®, or Dysport® specially-priced at $11.50/unit when you make your appointment for Feb. 24
Treat 1 Area with a Package of 6 treatments and receive another package for a second area FREE or Buy one Package for 25% OFF!
20% OFF regularly-priced, in-stock ZO® skincare products!
All February long, get Lip Filler specially priced at $549 (Save $150!)
Meet Dinora, our new RN and customize your facial to fit your needs at a special price of $90 this month only!
Buy Face Treatment at a DISCOUNTED price of $575 and Get Your Choice Hands, Neck or Chest Treatment FREE! (Save $100!)